Drupal API


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includes/bootstrap.inc, строка 241

conf_path($require_settings = TRUE, $reset = FALSE)

Find the appropriate configuration directory.

Try finding a matching configuration directory by stripping the website's hostname from left to right and pathname from right to left. The first configuration file found will be used; the remaining will ignored. If no configuration file is found, return a default value '$confdir/default'.

Example for a fictitious site installed at http://www.drupal.org:8080/mysite/test/ the 'settings.php' is searched in the following directories:

1. $confdir/8080.www.drupal.org.mysite.test 2. $confdir/www.drupal.org.mysite.test 3. $confdir/drupal.org.mysite.test 4. $confdir/org.mysite.test

5. $confdir/8080.www.drupal.org.mysite 6. $confdir/www.drupal.org.mysite 7. $confdir/drupal.org.mysite 8. $confdir/org.mysite

9. $confdir/8080.www.drupal.org 10. $confdir/www.drupal.org 11. $confdir/drupal.org 12. $confdir/org

13. $confdir/default


$require_settings Only configuration directories with an existing settings.php file will be recognized. Defaults to TRUE. During initial installation, this is set to FALSE so that Drupal can detect a matching directory, then create a new settings.php file in it.

reset Force a full search for matching directories even if one had been found previously.

Возвращаемое значение

The path of the matching directory.

▸ 10 функции вызывают conf_path()

▾ 10 функции вызывают conf_path()

conf_init in includes/bootstrap.inc
Загружает конфигурацию и устанавливает правильные базовый URL, куки и сессии
drupal_get_filename in includes/bootstrap.inc
Возвращает и опционально устанавливает имя файла системного элемента (модуль, тема, и т.д.). Имя файла, который существует, кеширован или получен из базы данных, возвращается если файл существует.
drupal_rewrite_settings in includes/install.inc
Read settings.php into a buffer line by line, changing values specified in $settings array, then over-writing the old settings.php file.
drupal_system_listing in includes/common.inc
Return an array of system file objects.
file_directory_path in includes/file.inc
Определяет адрес по умолчанию для папки 'files' (папка хранения файлов, загруженных пользователями и т.п.)
install_change_settings in ./install.php
Configure and rewrite settings.php.
install_check_requirements in ./install.php
Check installation requirements and report any errors.
install_tasks in ./install.php
Tasks performed after the database is initialized.
install_verify_settings in ./install.php
Verify existing settings.php
system_requirements in modules/system/system.install
Test and report Drupal installation requirements.


function conf_path($require_settings = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $conf = '';
  if ($conf && !$reset) {
    return $conf;
  $confdir = 'sites';
  $server = explode('.', implode('.', array_reverse(explode(':', rtrim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.')))));
  for ($i = count($uri) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
    for ($j = count($server); $j > 0; $j--) {
      $dir = implode('.', array_slice($server, -$j)) . implode('.', array_slice($uri, 0, $i));
      if (file_exists("$confdir/$dir/settings.php") || (!$require_settings && file_exists("$confdir/$dir"))) {
        $conf = "$confdir/$dir";
        return $conf;
  $conf = "$confdir/default";
  return $conf;
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